• Dr M.B Raju, Principal, Pallavi Engineering College received Best Principal Award from IKON EXCELLENCE at JNTUH.             • Received Certificate of Appreciation for International Level Student Workshop 2024 from Brain O Vision



Sl. No. Measuring Parameters Planning
1 Effective  Teaching learning process
  • Academic planning and preparation of Academic Calendar
  • Development of e- learning resources
  • Provide mentoring and personal support Follow a transparent and fair feedback system
  • Conduct training based on need analysis Evaluation parameters and benchmarking
2 Leadership and participative management
  • Decentralize the academic, administration and student related authorities & responsibilities
  • Prescribe duties, responsibilities and accountability
  • Establishment of functional committees
3 Internal Quality Assurance System
  • Educating & Training of all employees
  • Periodic check & guidance for quality improvement
  • Establishment of audit team and process
  • Promoting best practices
  •  Annual report preparation & submission
4 Good governance
  • Vision, Mission development & their articulation in every key position
  • Institutional Strategic development plan Monitoring and Implementing the Quality Management Systems
  • Leadership development through decentralization
  • Establishing internal audit committee
  • Code of conduct and policy formulation, approval and implementation
  •  Establishing fair and transparent performance appraisal system
5 Student’s development and participation
  • Students Trainings & Placement Activities
  • Student’s representation in various committee and cell
  • Participation in competitions
  • Organizing competitions
  • Rewards & recognitions of achievers
6 Staff development & welfare
  • Staff performance evaluation system
  • Staff Training for quality improvement
  • Code of conduct, service rules & leave rules
  • Staff welfare policy implementation
  • Sponsorship/ Motivation for qualification improvement
  • Support for research, consultancy, innovations
7 Institute Industry Interaction
  • MoUs with industries
  • Support for internships, visits, trainings, guest lectures
  • Providing opportunities for Industry based/sponsored projects
8 Entrepreneurship
  • Establishment of EDC
  • Effective functioning of entrepreneurship development Cell
  • Providing training & guidance for entrepreneurship development
  • Bringing more experts of the field for seminar, lecture, workshop for entrepreneurship development
  • Promoting,sponsoring and facilitating entrepreneurship development
9 R&D
  • Dedicated R &D facilitation centre
  • Fund generation through Project proposals
  • Apply for Government/Non Government industry, sponsored funds
  • Collaborations with Government & Private Institutes, Universities and Research Organizations
  • Applying for patent
10 Alumni
  • Formation of Alumni association, participation and registration
  • Data base creation, Regular interactions with alumni and networking
  • Exploring Contributions
  • Brand ambassadors
  • Sponsorships/scholarships/fund generation
11 Community Services
  • Identify community and social development work
  • Educational support to village people Conducting awareness camps
12 Physical infrastructure
  • System up gradation
  • Safety & Security management
  • Rain water harvesting
  • Renewable Energy usage
  • Hygiene, zero plastic & green campus
  • Recycling of water
13 NAAC Accreditation
  • Applied  and Submitted SSR for the AY: 2021-22 National Assessment and Accreditation Council( NAAC)
14 ISO Certification
  • Certified ISO 14001:2015, for the following scope
    Providing B-TECH in Civil Engineering, EEE, Mechanical Engineering, ECE, CSE and Diploma Courses in Civil Engineering, EEE, Mechanical Engineering, EEE.
15 NBA accreditation
  • In AY: 2022-23 Planned to get accreditation by  NBA
16 Results
  • In AY: 2022-23 Planned for outgoing batch, 80% pass Result.